IRRESISTIBLE (Neodolatelný)
EPIZODA č. 3 (43)
Námět: Carl Binder
Scénář: Brad Wright a Robert C. Cooper
Režie: Martin Wood

Premiéra: 28. 7. 2006
Česká premiéra: 27. 04. 2009

Postavy: dr. Elizabeth Weirová (Torri Higginson), podplukovník John Sheppard (Joe Flanigan), dr. Rodney McKay (David Hewlett), Teyla Emmagan (Rachel Luttrell), Ronon Dex (Jason Momoa), dr. Carson Beckett (Paul McGillion), Lucius Lavin (Richard Kind), Willa (Julia Anderson), dr. Radek Zelenka (David Nykl)

Obsah epizody: zatím není k dispozici
Přepis epizody v originále: najdete na stránkách Gatenoise
České titulky: najdete na stránkách Stargate Subtitles Site
Fakta a zajímavosti: zatím není k dispozici

Oblíbené citáty:
Willa: "You mean you truly have not heard of Lucius? Well, everyone knows – he’s the wisest and kindest man among the stars."
Lucius: "Aw, people just say that. I mean, you can’t prove it ‘til you’ve met everybody, am I right?"
Sheppard: "Well, then, Lucius, we’re glad we met you."
Lucius: "And if you aren’t yet, you will be."

Lucius (to Sheppard): "How do you get your hair to go like that?"

Sheppard: "I think the word we’re looking for is ..."
McKay: "... obnoxious? Unctuous?"
Sheppard: "Either one of those works."

Lucius: "Some of the herbs were gathered from this planet on my walks, but most were collected from my many excursions to other worlds. I have to confess, I have concocted remedies for almost every known ailment."
Beckett (sceptically): "Every single one?"
Lucius: "Well, every one in town. The sick have been cured, the lame can walk again ... well, some still crawl, but they crawl a lot faster than they used to."

Lucius: "May this be the first of many gifts that our people exchange."
Weir: "Thank you."
Lucius: "I made it myself. The gourd is from the marshes of my home world, topped with a candle that’s made from the congealed tallow of an animal that I killed with my bare hands."
Weir: "How nice."
Lucius: "It’s nothing."

Dex: "You didn’t!"
Lucius: "Oh, oh, yes, oh my giant friend, I did, and let me tell you this: I had no trouble finding female companionship that night, if you know what I mean!"
Zelenka: "To je frajer! Teda, to je..."
Lucius: "Repeatedly!"

McKay: "It worked!"
Weir: "He’s flying it."
Zelenka: "On letí, on tak krásně letí!"
McKay: "Fly, Lucius. Fly."

Lucius: "And then what?"
Sheppard: "Then maybe I’ll take you back home. I’m sure your people will be thrilled to see you again."
Lucius: "You would do that for me? Without even being under the effect of the herb? After all I did?"
Sheppard: "Well, I’m a nice guy."
Lucius: "Oh, Colonel, I can’t thank you enough. Thank you so much ..."
Sheppard (interrupting): "After I give them the serum."

Sheppard: "So, everyone here, uh, back to normal?"
Weir: "We’re still fine, John."
Sheppard: "No lingering desires? Secret longings for his touch?!"
Beckett: "It’s embarrassing enough without you constantly reminding us, thank you."

Vera: 3,5/5
Skvělý Richard Kind jako Lucius Lavin.

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