COMMON GROUND (Společný zájem) EPIZODA č. 7 (47) |
Scénář: Ken Cuperus Režie: Premiéra: 25. 8. 2006 Postavy: dr. Elizabeth Weirová (Torri Higginson), podplukovník John Sheppard (Joe Flanigan), dr. Rodney McKay (David Hewlett), Teyla Emmagan (Rachel Luttrell), Ronon Dex (Jason Momoa), dr. Carson Beckett (Paul McGillion), Acastus Kolya (Robert Davi), Wraith (Christopher Heyerdahl), Ladon Radim (Ryan Robbins) |
McKay: "What have you done to him?"
Kolya: "Nothing whatsoever, doctor McKay."
McKay: "Ok, let me rephrase that: What are you planning to do?"
Kolya: "It’s quite simple. I’d like to make a trade."
Weir: "Before we continue this conversation another second, I wanna speak with Sheppard."
Kolya: "Be my guest."
McKay: "We’ll rephrase that, too: We would like him to be able to speak to us."
Wraith: "You realise he is torturing both of us?"
Sheppard: "Oh, yeah? What’d he do to you?"
Wraith: "He stopped me."
Sheppard: "Really? And how is that torture?"
Wraith: "Have you ever known starvation, Sheppard? The few years I took from you are barely enough to keep me alive. The strength I gained from you is already fading."
Sheppard: "I don’t really give a damn."
Wraith: "You pace in your cell, cursing that I took years from you. I stand here cursing that I was not allowed them all. Each in our own way, we suffer."
Sheppard: "We make it to the Stargate, we both go our separate ways. Until then, we’re gonna need each other. Deal?"
Sheppard: "That is, even if we’re going in the right direction. You have no idea where the Stargate is, do you?"
Wraith: "It was many years ago."
Sheppard (angrily): "Way to go, John! Listening to a Wraith!"
Wraith: "You are more like Wraith than you know."
Sheppard: "I’m not sure I like the sound of that."
Wraith: "There is much about Wraith that you do not know, Sheppard."
Wraith: "Oh, it was worth it, if only to see the sky again."
Sheppard: "I got slightly higher expectations."
Wraith: "My wound is deep. If I do not feed soon, I will die."
Sheppard: "Buck up. We got a deal, remember? We both go home alive."
Wraith: "And if we were to meet again in the future, what then?"
Sheppard: "All bets are off."
Wraith: "Then let us hope we do not meet again."
Wraith: "The gift of life is reserved only for our most devout worshippers ... and our brothers."
Sheppard: "Well, I guess there’s a lot about the Wraith we don’t know."
Wraith: "Sheppard gave me back my life. I merely repaid the debt."
McKay (high-pitched in disbelief): "What debt? Are you kidding?! I mean, he looks younger than he did before!"
Sheppard: "There’s a lot you don’t know about humans."
Wraith: "Ah, I see. Next time we meet ..."
Sheppard: "All bets are off."
Vera: 5/5
Sheppard, Wraith a k tomu Kolya a je zaděláno na průšvih ;-). Ukazuje se, že Wraith může životní sílu/energii nejen zcela vysát, ale i vrátit.