PHANTOMS (Přeludy) EPIZODA č. 9 (49) |
Scénář: Carl Binder Režie: Martin Wood Premiéra: 15. 9. 2006 Postavy: dr. Elizabeth Weirová (Torri Higginson), podplukovník John Sheppard (Joe Flanigan), dr. Rodney McKay (David Hewlett), Teyla Emmagan (Rachel Luttrell), Ronon Dex (Jason Momoa), dr. Carson Beckett (Paul McGillion), dr. Radek Zelenka (David Nykl) |
Sheppard: "You don't even know what it does?"
McKay: "Well, I can now state for certain that it is, in fact, a generator."
Sheppard: "We already knew that!"
McKay: "Look, the E.M. pulse it's emitting is very peculiar. It's fluctuating in systematic intervals along the ultra-low frequency."
Teyla: "Is that what made all these people kill each other?"
McKay: "I hope so."
Sheppard: "You hope so?!"
McKay: "Otherwise, there are two bizarre things going on, and one is more than enough for me, thank you very much."
Teyla: "Do you think he's already beginning to feel the effects of the Wraith device?"
Sheppard (about Ronon): "Well, if he is, let's hope we find him before he finds us."
Sheppard: "Ronon."
Dex: "Sheppard?"
Sheppard: "Hey, buddy, you wanna lower your gun?"
Dex: "What the hell?"
Sheppard: "Yeah. I know. Let's get the hell outta here."
Weir: "How are Rodney and Teyla?"
McKay (indignantly): "He shot me."
Sheppard: "They're both fine, and I think Kagan's out of the woods, too."
McKay: "You shot me!"
Weir: "And none of you are experiencing any after-effects from this Wraith device?"
Sheppard: "Well, I mean, we're all pretty creeped out."
Beckett: "It was the most unsettling thing I've ever experienced."
Sheppard: "But... we're gonna be fine."
Weir: "Alright, well, check in in a few hours. Weir out."
McKay: "You shot me!"
Sheppard: "Yes, Rodney, I shot you, and I said I was sorry."
Dex: "You shot me, too."
Sheppard: "I'm sorry for shooting everyone! Just ... the Daedalus'll be here in a little while. Just get some rest."
McKay: "I can't believe you shot me!"
Sheppard (plaintively): "Get some sleep, Rodney!"
Vera: 2/5
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