THE RETURN I (Návrat 1. část) EPIZODA č. 10 (50) |
Scénář: Martin Gero Reie: Brad Turner Premiéra: 22. 9. 2006 Postavy: dr. Elizabeth Weirová (Torri Higginson), podplukovník John Sheppard (Joe Flanigan), dr. Rodney McKay (David Hewlett), Teyla Emmagan (Rachel Luttrell), Ronon Dex (Jason Momoa), dr. Carson Beckett (Paul McGillion), generál Jonathan "Jack" O'Neill (Richard Dean Anderson), Richard Woolsey (Robert Picardo), generálmajor Hank Landry (Beau Bridges), dr. Radek Zelenka (David Nykl) serant Walter Harriman (Gary Jones), serant Siler (Dan Shea) |
Kleinman: "Colonel Caldwell, the unidentified vessel is slowing down."
Sheppard: "Maybe they heard me."
McKay: "No, they saw us. They're not just slowing down, they're slamming on the brakes something like twenty-seven gees."
Helia: "We owe you and your people a debt of gratitude, but we've just returned home. Home to a place we thought we'd never set eyes on again and we need some time... alone."
O'Neill: "You do know that we've shed our own fair share of blood defending the city from the Wraith?"
Helia: "But by your own admission, you were responsible for waking the Wraith."
O'Neill: "Right."
Woolsey: "And by your own admission, you are responsible for the emergence of the Wraith as a species. The fact is, if it weren't for our expedition, there would be no Atlantis."
O'Neill: "No-one's saying the city doesn't belong to you or that you don't belong here. What we're saying is that..."
Woolsey: "What we're asking..."
O'Neill: "What we're... asking is that we be allowed to stay here."
Woolsey: "There is so much that we can learn from you. And in return we can offer supplies, manpower, the kind of support you'll need to restore Atlantis to its former glory."
Helia: "The day will come when your people will once again have a place here. But that is not this day."
McKay: "That's it? We're just gonna take this lying down? We rescued them!"
Woolsey: "And they're immensely grateful."
McKay: "Well, they're not showing it!"
Woolsey: "From their point of view, doctor McKay, they're being extremely generous. Keep in mind that when they left Atlantis, we were basically a hunter-gatherer species."
McKay: "Well, did you remind them that if we hadn't hunted and gathered them out of the void between galaxies, they would still be stuck there?"
Sheppard: "You guys want any of this stuff? Johnny Cash poster? Skateboard? Sudoku books? ... You know you guys are welcome to come back with us, right?"
Teyla: "My place is with my people."
Dex: "And I can't leave this galaxy until every last Wraith is dead."
Sheppard: "Well, I just had to say it out loud."
Teyla: "You too should know that we would be honoured if you decided to stay with us, John."
Sheppard: "Yeah, well, I think the Air Force has got other plans for me."
Teyla: "We also just had to say it out loud."
Sheppard: "Right."
Sheppard: "Life isn't fair, it's just fairer than death."
Weir: "Oscar Wilde?"
Sheppard: "'The Princess Bride'. Good movie."
Weir: "I've been doing a bit of writing. Uh, working on my memoirs."
Beckett: "Your memoirs? About your time in Atlantis?"
Weir: "Yeah. So what?"
Beckett: "And on what planet did you expect to publish it?!"
Vera: 5/5
Výborný díl. Antikové chtějí zpět Atlantis a pozemané musejí vyklidit pozice.