IRRESPONSIBLE (Bezohledný hrdina) EPIZODA č. 13 (53) |
Scénář: Joseph Mallozzi a Paul Mullie Režie: Martin Wood Premiéra: 4. 12. 2006 (Kanada, Movie Central), 27. 4. 2007 (USA, Sci-fi Channel) Postavy: dr. Elizabeth Weirová (Torri Higginson), podplukovník John Sheppard (Joe Flanigan), dr. Rodney McKay (David Hewlett), Teyla Emmagan (Rachel Luttrell), Ronon Dex (Jason Momoa), dr. Carson Beckett (Paul McGillion), Lucius Lavin (Richard Kind), Acastus Kolya (Robert Davi) |
Lucius: "Oh, well, I guess the only thing left to do is for you to thank me."
Dex: "What for?"
Lucius: "For saving your lives."
Sheppard: "Thank you."
Lucius: "Please, it was nothing."
Sheppard: "Yeah, it was nothing."
Kolya: "I have to give Colonel Sheppard credit. No opponent's ever caused me this much trouble. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to kill him."
McKay: "That's funny! He says the same thing about you."
Kolya: "Really? I'm flattered."
Dex: "But you can't kill him if you can't catch him."
Kolya: "I will, eventually."
McKay: "And what about us, huh? How do we fit into your evil plans for galactic domination?"
Kolya: "You'll be allowed to stay alive for the time being... unless you were stupid enough to eat the meal you were served."
Rodney gasps and clutches at his throat in a panic.
Kolya: "I'm just kidding."
McKay: "Oh, thank God!"
Kolya (into radio): "Colonel Sheppard? I'm going to assume you can hear me. I'm also going to assume
that if you haven't reached the gate by now, you soon will, so I wanna save you some trouble. My men have secured the gate. There's no way you're getting through. Come back and face me, Colonel! Or I'll start killing your friends. Which one of them shall we kill first? I'm leaning toward doctor McKay, myself. Colonel?"
Sheppard (over radio): "Kolya, this is Sheppard. I'm comin' back."
Kolya: "Don't keep me waiting."
McKay: "That's what this is all about? Killing Sheppard?"
Kolya: "Absolutely, doctor McKay. But don't feel left out. If I don't get those weapons from doctor Weir, I fully intend to kill you as well."
Lucius: "I'm just spit-balling here. What if we hugged each other and the device would... would, uh, you know, help us, uh..."
Sheppard: "I don't like that idea..."
Lucius: "No, I know, I don't think..."
Sheppard: "... and it's not possible."
Lucius: "Yeah, it doesn't work that way. Ok, ok. What if I swung from a clock tower on a long rope right into town?"
Sheppard: "And?"
Lucius: "I dunno. That's all I have. I could set myself on fire."
Sheppard: "I like that."
Lucius: "Ok, um, I could run naked. Oh, I know, I know! What if I got on your shoulders and we have a cloak that they... it's some religious thing... they could be afraid of giants. Ok, what if we build a tunnel, ok? We
could tunnel... or a boulder. A huge boulder. I'm camouflaged, I'm protected, now the boulder protects you... or, um... a magnifying glass and some tape..."
Sheppard: "I have an idea, Lucius."
Lucius: "... some poisoned tape!"
Kolya: "I should have killed you when we first met, Colonel. It would have saved me a lot of trouble."
Sheppard: "The feeling's mutual."
Lucius: "Oh, Colonel Sheppard? Aren't you forgetting something?"
Sheppard: "Oh, yeah! I did say I'd give that back to you, didn't I?"
Lucius: "Yes, you did."
John sticks the device onto Lucius' shirt.
Lucius: "You're a good man. You're an honest man, and you made me a better man myself, you know that, don't you?"
Sheppard: "Good. Bye, Lucius."
McKay: "I thought you said that personal shield was depleted."
Sheppard: "Oh, yeah."
Teyla: "Then it is worthless."
Sheppard: "Pretty much."
Beckett: "You're not gonna tell Lucius?"
Sheppard: "No..."
Behind him, Lucius turns to a young boy.
Lucius: "Kick me as hard as you can."
The boy aims a kick at Lucius' groin.
Lucius: "Ow!!!"
Sheppard: "... he'll figure it out."
Vera: 2,5/5
Ty body jsou hlavně za Kolyu, škoda zlikvidování takového záporáka. :-) Postava Lucia Lavina byla vcelku zábavná v jednom díle, ale v druhém díle už byla nesnesitelná. Jen doufám, že nebude nějaký třetí díl. Motiv Divokého západu a závěrečné přestřelky je už taky dost obehraný.