TAO OF RODNEY (Rodneyho povznesení) EPIZODA č. 14 (54) |
![]() Režie: Premiéra: 11. 12. 2006 (Kanada, Movie Central), 4. 5. 2007 (USA, Sci-fi Channel) Postavy: dr. Elizabeth Weirová (Torri Higginson), podplukovník John Sheppard (Joe Flanigan), dr. Rodney McKay (David Hewlett), Teyla Emmagan (Rachel Luttrell), Ronon Dex (Jason Momoa), dr. Carson Beckett (Paul McGillion), dr. Radek Zelenka (David Nykl) |
Beckett: "As far as I can tell, he's fine."
McKay: "I was hit by a mysterious energy pulse. How can that possibly be fine?"
Beckett: "I've run every test I can: blood work, MRIs, X-rays, the lot. I found no anomalies in any of the results."
McKay: "One more time: mysterious energy pulse from a device created by the Ancients. I mean, who knows what kind of long-term effects I could be in for? I mean, there's gross mutation, giantism, invisibility..."
Sheppard: "That would be cool. I turned into a bug..."
Beckett: "Alright. Like I said, as far as I can tell, he's as healthy as a horse." (to Rodney) "I'm clearing you for active duty."
McKay: "Are you insane?!" (he turns to Elizabeth and John) "Look, I need to be put under guard. Who knows what I could become?"
Weir: "What are the chances it could make him more pleasant?"
McKay: "Oh, thank you!"
Sheppard: "I'll keep an eye on him."
Weir: "Thank you!"
McKay: "Can you still see me?"
Weir: "Have there been any other instances of this power manifesting itself?"
McKay: "Powers. Plural."
Weir: "What else can you do besides telekinesis?"
McKay: "Well, super-hearing for one, and I'm not sure but I think I may actually be getting smarter.
It's hard to say for sure because I was pretty smart to start with but, um, recently I've been having some ideas that I don't think even I would have thought of before."
Sheppard. "Does super-ego count as a power?"
McKay: "You know, we could be a team. You could be my sidekick."
Dex: "Sidekick."
McKay: "Yeah – it'd be like Batman and Ronon. Has a nice ring to it."
Dex: "Yeah, you keep eating like that, it's more like Fatman."
Zelenka: "Tak takhle to nejde teda, todle je na prd!"
McKay (mildly): "You're jealous."
Zelenka: "That is ridiculous. You should be working with me trying to figure out what is happening to you. Instead, you're here burying your head in the sand."
McKay: "That is not true. My head – which happens to be housing my ever-evolving brain – is
actually being better utilised here doing important things that will affect everybody."
Zelenka: "Já... já s ním nebudu dělat! Já už se na to můžu vysrat! To je úplně... stojí za..."
McKay: "He tries to hide it, but deep down, I'm the wind beneath his wings."
Zelenka: "That's it. Já ho zabiju! To je magor, naprostej idiot!!"
Zelenka: "Rodney, I don't care what you're gonna say. I'm gonna keep working on this, OK?"
McKay (genuinely): "Ah, well, I appreciate that."
Zelenka: "You saved my life, so... the least I can do is try to save yours, you know?"
McKay: "Radek? I think it's safe to say that, uh, I am at times a petty, vindictive, even jealous man. I sublimate my own anxieties or feelings of inadequacy by creating a bubble of hostility around myself. I know that you, probably more than anyone else, have had to bear the brunt of that hostility."
Zelenka: "Rodney, you don't have to..."
McKay: "Actually, I do. Here's the thing. You're a brilliant scientist, and a decent human being, and you should not have had to endure the kind of abuse that you've taken from me in the past few years. I hope you can find a way to forgive me for all the things I've said and done to you. You deserve much better than that... so I wanted you to know that."
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