SUNDAY (Neděle)
EPIZODA č. 17 (57)
Scénář: Martin Gero
Režie: Will Waring

Premiéra: 15. 1. 2007 (Kanada, Movie Central), 1. 6. 2007 (USA, Sci-fi Channel)
Česká premiéra: 15. 06. 2009

Postavy: dr. Elizabeth Weirová (Torri Higginson), podplukovník John Sheppard (Joe Flanigan), dr. Rodney McKay (David Hewlett), Teyla Emmagan (Rachel Luttrell), Ronon Dex (Jason Momoa), dr. Carson Beckett (Paul McGillion)

Obsah epizody: zatím není k dispozici
Přepis epizody v originále: najdete na stránkách Gatenoise
České titulky: najdete na stránkách Stargate Subtitles Site
Fakta a zajímavosti: zatím není k dispozici

Oblíbené citáty:
Branton: "Oh, wait a second, I see what's happening here. You think I'm asking you out on a date. No-no-no-no, this isn't a date. This is ... this is lunch. This is the mandatory refuelling of our bodies. This is putting food in your mouth and chewing it and having something more engaging than a wall sitting across from you. That's all it is. I mean, come on, you've gotta admit, I am much more appealing than a wall, no? Well, you don't have to admit it, but it'd be a massive blow to my ego if you thought otherwise."
Weir: "You are more appealing than a wall."

Dex: "So that's the sport? You just hit a little ball as far as you can?"

Sheppard: "Oh, come on! Oh, you are making this stuff up! This is not a traditional Satedan sport. This is an excuse to make me look dumb and kick my ass."

McKay: "Oh, no you cannot. You cannot interrupt me, OK? I was having a perfectly wonderful dream before I got this call, so you can just stand there and listen. You were sent on a routine cataloguing of one of the abandoned Ancient labs, and you activate some alien device without having the first clue what it was?!"
Watson: "We thought it was ..."
McKay (interrupting): "Yes, well you thought wrong."
Hewston: "Yeah, but just the other week you did the exact same thing, so I don't ..."
McKay (interrupting): "Well, I am me. If I make a mistake, I can fix it. You are you, and when you make mistakes, you don't have to fix them. I do!"
Hewston: "The second we realised it was emitting radiation, we turned it off."
McKay: "So what?! What, you want a medal? Look, my four year old niece could figure out to turn something off if it was emitting radiation. That does not make you smart – that just makes you a little less stupid."

McKay: "It's funny, you know? I mean, much as I hate to admit it, seeing my little sister so happy with her family, I just ... Well, it kind of made me realise that, uh ... well, I'd like to get married."
Brown: "You would?!"
McKay: "Oh, no, not to you!"
Brown: "Oh..."
McKay: "Oh, no-no-no-no-no-no! No-no-no, not *not* to you ..."
Brown: "No, I ..."
McKay: "Look, I was just ... No, that was not a proposal. I was just ... I was just talking, you know?"
Brown: "Right."
McKay: "I just don't want you to get the wrong ... It's not that I wouldn't be interested in-in-in getting married to someone, I mean, someone like you, I mean someone just like you ... you even, maybe one day ... I just, uh ..."
Brown: "I know, I know. It's OK, yes."

McKay (into radio): "Carson, you cannot seriously be considering operating on this guy!"
Beckett: "Exactly how much time do we think I have?"
McKay: "There is no way to know for sure. Look, Hewston was infected at the same time that Watson was and her tumour's already exploded."
Beckett: "No time to waste, then. Making first incision."
McKay: "OK, look, this is all very brave and all, but ..."
Sheppard: "... what if the explosion causes structural damage? What if the tower comes down with everyone in it?"
McKay: "Exactly."
Beckett: "Sending him to the other side of the city and just leaving him there is tantamount to murder, Colonel."
McKay (frantically): "The man is already dead!"
Beckett: "Like hell he is!"
Sheppard: "Carson, I can't order you to stand down, but ..."
Beckett: "That's right, you can't. Have your men standing by. I'll open access to the floor once I've extracted the tumour. Beckett out."

Dex: "You OK?"
McKay: "Mmm ... uh, not really."
Dex: "You need some help?"
McKay: "No. No, I'm almost done. He didn't have a lot of stuff here."
Dex: "You sending it all back home to his family?"
McKay: "Yeah. I mean, we will. They don't know yet. We're going to send, uh ... the body back to Earth and, um, I'm gonna tell his mother. I should have just gone fishing with him."
Dex: "Don't..."
McKay: "No. If I'd gone fishing ... if I'd checked the machine ... if I hadn't assigned two junior guys to catalogue the lab ..."
Dex (gently): "Rodney. What's done is done."
McKay (Rodney's eyes fill with tears.): "I know. And that's why it's killing me."

Weir: "We've said goodbye to a lot of friends today. Our mission is a dangerous one. We lose people – a fact we're all painfully aware of. But Carson was ... I can't remember anyone coming to me with a complaint against him – ever. He was a kind soul. He was ... he was a healer. And he will be very deeply missed. George Fabricius said: 'Death comes to us all, but great achievements, they build a monument which shall endure until the sun grows cold.' Every single life Carson saved is a monument to him. And that gives me great comfort."

Vera: 4,5/5
Škoda dr. Carsona Becketta. Byla to jedna z nejsympatičtějších postav seriálu.

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