VENGEANCE (Msta) EPIZODA č. 19 (59) |
![]() Režie: Andy Mikita Premiéra: 29. 1. 2007 (Kanada, Movie Central), 15. 6. 2007 (USA, Sci-fi Channel) Postavy: dr. Elizabeth Weirová (Torri Higginson), podplukovník John Sheppard (Joe Flanigan), dr. Rodney McKay (David Hewlett), Teyla Emmagan (Rachel Luttrell), Ronon Dex (Jason Momoa) |
Teyla: "The structure is very peculiar."
McKay (looking at a cocoon): "Yeah? I believe the word is 'disgusting'.
Teyla: "On all the worlds I've been to, I have never encountered anything like it."
Sheppard: "Did anybody get a good look at that thing?"
McKay: "Aside from its severed appendage, no. That thing moved incredibly fast."
Dex: "In some ways, it looked almost like a human."
McKay: "If, by 'human', you mean clad in a grotesquely proportioned exoskeleton, yes, very human."
Dex: "I meant it looked like it had two arms and two legs."
Sheppard: "It looked like a giant bug to me. I hate those things."
Dex: "So, what? They're tryin' to create more Wraith?"
Sheppard: "That doesn't make any more sense. If they wanted to create more Wraith, wouldn't it be easier to get a male and female to, you know, get a room?"
McKay: "It doesn't work that way with the Wraith, alright? At least, we don't think it does. We're not entirely sure as to the Wraiths' reproductive methods."
Sheppard: "I don't wanna be around to watch that film."
McKay: "Oh, my God."
Sheppard: "What?"
McKay: "I am reading a ton of life signs near you."
Sheppard: "Well, define 'ton' and define 'near'."
McKay: "Uh, a few dozen. I mean, they're all bunched together."
Sheppard (hopefully): "Prisoners in a holding cell, maybe?"
Teyla: "Or worse."
McKay (looking at his detector): "Whatever they are, someone just released them and they're headed your way."
Sheppard: "Oh, crap!"
McKay: "Keep going, straight up the tunnel. Ronon should be coming around the corner towards you ... now."
Sheppard: "It's not Ronon."
McKay (nervously): "It's one of the bugs?"
Sheppard (smiling humourlessly): "Michael."
Michael: "Colonel Sheppard."
Sheppard: "No offence, but I was kinda hoping never to see you again."
Michael: "I had hoped just the opposite."
Sheppard: "Well, then, you've seen me. Now, say your goodbyes. But first, give me the control crystals to the DHD."
Michael: "I don't think so."
Sheppard: "Or I can just kill you."
Michael: "Unless I stun you first."
Sheppard: "As much as I'd like to sit around chatting..."
Michael: "Extraordinary, aren't they?"
Sheppard: "Your army of bug people?"
Michael: "I thought you'd be impressed."
Sheppard: "Not so much."
Michael: "After all, I'm merely continuing the experiment your people began."
Sheppard: "What then? Take over the entire galaxy? That's a little too Doctor Evil if you ask me."
Dex: "Are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?"
Sheppard: "I fly it, pick you, Rodney and Teyla up, we use the Dart's DHD to dial the Gate."
Dex: "I was thinking, 'blow it up', but your idea's better. Get movin'."
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