FIRST STRIKE (Zaútočit první) EPIZODA č. 20 (60) |
![]() Režie: Martin Wood Premiéra: 5. 2. 2007 (Kanada, Movie Central), 22. 6. 2007 (USA, Sci-fi Channel) Postavy: dr. Elizabeth Weirová (Torri Higginson), podplukovník John Sheppard (Joe Flanigan), dr. Rodney McKay (David Hewlett), Teyla Emmagan (Rachel Luttrell), Ronon Dex (Jason Momoa), dr. Radek Zelenka (David Nykl), plukovník Abe Ellis (Michael Beach) |
Teyla: "How was the mission? Was it a success?"
Sheppard: "We did get all the ships."
Dex: "I wish I could've been there to see it."
Sheppard: "Well, space battles are always a lot more exciting on TV than they are in real life."
Ellis (to Rodney): "What've you got?"
McKay: "We're in trouble."
Sheppard: "It took you five minutes to figure that out? You're slippin', buddy."
Ellis: "John, listen to me. I, uh, I've been over your record. I know you have your detractors but personally I think you've done a hell of a job here."
Sheppard: "Thank you, sir."
Ellis: "You should be running Atlantis, not doctor Weir."
Sheppard: "Well, then I'd be The Man, and who would I have to rage against?"
McKay: "We were throwing some ideas back and forth. Well, he [Zelenka] was throwing them forth and I was throwing them back. And while he was droning on about some idea that might have worked, it suddenly occurred to me: this city has encountered problems like this before, so I..."
Ellis: "We don't need the history of your idea, doctor. I'll let that be a surprise when I read your autobiography. Just tell me the plan."
McKay: "We submerge it."
Ellis. "I'm sorry?"
McKay: "We submerge the city."
Ellis: "Alright, get it done."
McKay (laughing): "Yeah, I don't think that's your call."
Weir: "Worst case scenario? We lose some power from the ZPM?"
McKay: "Oh, no. Worst case scenario is that we've both read the numbers wrong, we use up a ton of power and the city doesn't submerge at all. Look, as much as I hate to say it, Zelenka's not infallible."
Sheppard: "Shouldn't you guys be bickering or something?"
McKay: "Ah, we've got nothing to bicker about. He's run out of bad ideas... finally."
Zelenka (sulkily): "If we survive this, I'm putting in for a transfer."
McKay: "Oh, please. We both know that you've done your best work under me."
Zelenka: "Under you?! I'm my own department head, you know."
McKay: "Please! We both know that department is a joke."
Zelenka: "What?!"
Sheppard: "Why don't you two guys just make out and get it over with, huh? I mean, we have, what? Under one day to figure out how not to get destroyed by this satellite thing, and you guys are arguing about who works for who."
Weir: "Lower the shield."
McKay: "We're about to go into space! If you plan on breathing, we're gonna need the shield."
McKay: "We just dropped out of hyperspace."
Teyla: "Have we already reached M12-578?"
McKay: "No. There's no way. It should have taken at least another few hours. The hyperdrive just shut down."
Sheppard: "Why?"
McKay: "I don't know."
Sheppard: "Get it back up."
McKay (angrily): "I just said I don't know what's wrong. I can't get it back up if I don't know what happened."
Teyla: "Where are we?"
McKay: "In the middle of nowhere. There's no planets, no moons, no stargates."
Sheppard: "How much power do we have?"
McKay: "This can't be right!"
Sheppard: "How much?"
McKay: "At current consumption, we've got twenty-four hours of power left. After that, there's no shield. No shield, no atmosphere. No atmosphere, we're..."
Teyla: "Can we use the stargate?"
McKay: "In order to dial a gate, it needs to be calibrated to a specific location. We are lost. Look, we dropped out of hyperspace way too soon. I have no idea where we are..."
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