Postavy: plukovník Jonathan „Jack“ O’Neill (Richard Dean Anderson), dr. Daniel Jackson (Michael Shanks), major Samantha Carterová (Amanda Tapping), Teal´c (Christopher Judge), generálmajor George Hammond (Don S. Davis), Pharrin (James Parks), seržant Walter Davis (Gary Jones), dr. Janet Fraiserová (Teryl Rothery), Tryan (Travis Webster), mladý Keenin (Ryan Drescher), zdravotní sestra (Kimberly Unger), uklízeč [Orderly] (Rob Hayter), vedoucí zdravotnického týmu (Colin Corrigan)
Obsah epizody:
SG-1 při misi na P2A-347 objeví havarovanou vesmírnou loď neznámého původu. Uvnitř lodě jsou ve skleněných boxech zmrazená těla posádky. Je jich mnoho. Tým se rozdělí, aby těla spočítali, ale v tom Daniel vykřikne a všechny k zemi srazí energetická vlna vypadající jako ohnivá koule. První se probudí Teal´c. Jack a Sam jsou v bezvědomí, ale Daniela se mu podaří vzbudit, ten ho ovšem nepoznává, pouze při pohledu na Teal´ca vykřikne. Na základnu je přivede tým SG-4, který pro ně byl poslán. Při návratu na základnu je Daniel zmatený a snaží se proběhnout bránou zpět. Nepoznává ani základnu, ani nikoho z personálu a jedná agresivně. Není to totiž Daniel. Má v sobě přenesená vědomí několika cestujících Stromosu - lodi, kterou členové SG-1 našli na P2A-347. Jedna z osobností v jeho těle je panovník Talthusu jménem Martice. Když na ošetřovně Jack a Sam nabydou vědomí ukáže se, že oba jsou v pořádku. V Danielovi se mezitím střídavě objevují další cestující Stromosu. Nejvíce komunikativní a schopný spolupracovat je Tryan. Od jiného cestujícího, malého chlapce Keenina, Janet zjistí, že pochází z planety, na které mělo vyhasnout slunce, tak byly postaveny čtyři lodě a losováním vybráni lidé, kteří jimi budou zachráněni. Cesta na novou vhodnou planetu měla trvat více jak sto let, a tak byla posádka zmražena. Stromos však ztroskotal na P2A-347.
Carterová, Teal´c a SG-12 se vydají zpět na loď, aby zjistili, jak pomoci Danielovi. Najdou tam jednoho živého muže - Pharrina, který do sebe dobrovolně vzal vědomí několika lidí z lodi a který způsobil to, co se stalo Danielovi. Říká, že to musel udělat, protože energie nutná k udržení posádky naživu klesala. Chce, aby totéž podstoupili i Carterová a Teal´c a zachránili tak další cestujicí. Ti mu naopak nabídnou potřebný zdroj energie na probuzeni celé posádky za podmínky, že vrátí Daniela do původního stavu. To by ovšem znamenalo smrt všech, které v sobě nosí - včetně vládce Martice a Pharrinova syna Keenina. Martice je proti ale nakonec mu nezbyvá nic jiného. Zachránění cestujíci jsou přemístěni na neznámou planetu.
Přepis epizody v originále: najdete na stránkách Gatenoise České titulky: najdete na stránkách Stargate Subtitles Site Fakta a zajímavosti: zatím není k dispozici
Oblíbené citáty:
Jackson (very angry): „Who is responsible for this! I demand to know why this has happened!“ (he holds up his restrained wrists) „Why am I a prisoner?!“
Fraiser: „Those may be removed when you decide to calm down.“
Jackson: „Calm? How do you expect me to be calm? I was made promises that nothing like this could happen! That nothing could go wrong!“
Fraiser: „All right, let’s start there. Can you tell me what has gone wrong?“
Jackson: „What has gone wrong? What has gone wrong? Well, this is not the Stromos, you are not a member of my staff, and...“ (turning to point into the mirror) „...that is not me!“
Hammond (to O’Neill and Carter): „Colonel? Major? How are you feeling?“
O’Neill: „Got a nail in my head, Sir.“
Hammond: „That sounds like our Colonel O’Neill.“
Martice in Jackson: „How useful you are! What is this place?“
Fraiser: „It’s one of our medical isolation rooms.“
Martice in Jackson: „Could you be less specific?“
Fraiser: „In a military facility on a planet called Earth.“
Fraiser: „It wasn’t you. You’re the fourth personality to emerge since being brought back. We believe that there are others from your ship in there along with you.“
Tryan in Jackson: „In one body?“
Fraiser: „Plus, Dr. Jackson.“
Tryan in Jackson: „No, the strain on the body would be too great. It wouldn’t survive.“
Fraiser: „Do you know that for certain?“
Tryan in Jackson: „It couldn’t happen. The only conceivable result would be insanity.“
Fraiser: „Then we should both hope you’re wrong.“
Tryan in Jackson: „Dr. Fraiser, you don’t appreciate that what’s happened is technically impossible. This can’t happen. One cannot return to any other body, than one’s own. There are failsafes to prevent exactly that from happening.“
Fraiser: „Tryan, it has happened. All you need to do is look in the mirror to prove it to yourself.“
Hammond: „How many others are there?“
Fraiser: „It’s only a guess, but Dr. McKenzie believes Daniel could be carrying the minds of as many as a dozen of the ship’s passengers.“
Fraiser: „So, what if this was a desperate attempt to preserve these people? What if the person who attacked you was simply trying to keep these people alive the only way he could?“
Teal’c: „The ship could not have sustained them indefinitely.“
Carter: „So, Daniel’s a... a lifeboat?“
Fraiser: „Yeah, it’s possible.“
Keenin in Jackson: „They built three ships, including the Stromos. But it wasn’t enough. They had a lottery and they said that was the only fair way, but my father was an officer on the Stromos... he was allowed to pick one person from his family. My mother made him chose me.“
Martice in Jackson: „Three thousand of our people depend on me to lead them. I am their sovereign. They have sworn an oath to me.“
Fraiser: „I’m sorry...“
Martice in Jackson: „It is my destiny to rule over Ardena!“
Fraiser: „No, listen. You don’t understand the seriousness of your condition.“
Martice in Jackson (very agitated now): „And you still don’t realize who you are talking to!“
Fraiser (equally agitated): „I don’t give a damn! You don’t belong in that man’s body and I intend to take it back!“
Carter: „We can take you anywhere you wanna go... another world, like Ardena.“
Pharrin: „You have a ship?“
Carter: „We know of a device capable of transporting all your people, instantaneously, to any number of worlds. We call it a stargate.“
Pharrin: „Such a device is not possible.“
Carter: „Come back with us and I’ll prove it to you.“
Teal’c: „However, we will only consent to do so if you return our friend to his former state.“
Pharrin: „He is preserving life.“
Teal’c: „At the expense of his own, against his will!“
Pharrin: „Please... do not ask us to do this.“
Carter: „We’re not asking.“
Pharrin: „The souls that your friend carries within him are amongst the most precious of all.“
Teal’c: „Our friend is equally as important to us!“
Pharrin: „There will be nowhere for them to go. They will be lost.“
Carter: „Do you understand that what we’re offering could save everyone on this ship?“
Pharrin: „And do you understand that one of the souls your that friend carries within him... is my son?“
Tryan in Jackson: „What of our ship and her passengers, Sir?“
Pharrin: „Our ship crash-landed. We failed to reach Ardena. Her passengers may yet be saved, but not without considerable sacrifice... to you and to the others of the Stromos that reside with you.“
Tryan in Jackson: „I understand, Sir.“
Pharrin: „These people possess a device capable of transporting all our people to another world... perhaps even Ardena. It is very real... and it will save our people. But in exchange, they ask that their friend be returned to them, as he was before. I believe it can be done if we act quickly. It is a reasonable bargain.“
Tryan in Jackson: „I will do whatever is necessary, Sir. Whatever you ask of me.“
Pharrin: „For twelve years we have fought to save the people of Talthus and we will do everything in our power to do so, no matter how great the sacrifice.“
Keenin in Jackson: „Father?“
Pharrin: „Keenin... I am so sorry, my son. You must sacrifice as well... And we will be together. Do you understand? The people of Talthus will be safe, and they will remember us forever.“
Keenin in Jackson: „But we’ll be together...“
Pharrin: „We’ll be together...“ (Keenin in Daniel smiles and Pharrin starts to cry)
Věra: 4/5
Skvělý herecký výkon Michaela Shankse.