EPIZODA č. 3 (177)
Scénář: Robert C. Cooper
Režie: Brad Turner

Premiéra: 29. 7. 2005
Česká premiéra:

Postavy: podplukovník Cameron Mitchell (Ben Browder), dr. Daniel Jackson (Michael Shanks), Teal’c (Christopher Judge), generál Hank Landry (Beau Bridges), generál Jack O’Neill (Richard Dean Anderson), Vala (Claudia Black), [prior] (Larry Cedar), seržant Walter Harriman [Davis] (Gary Jones), dr. Lee (Bill Dow), Sallis (April Amber Telek), Harrid (Stephan Park), [prior] (Mark Houghton), dr. Lamová (Lexa Doig), Doci (Julian Sands), Gerak (Louis Cossett jr.),Fannis (Paul Moniz De Sá), Administrator (Greg Anderson), Yat’Yir (Gardiner Millar), dr. Lindsayová (Penelope Corrin)

Planety: Celestis, P3X-421
Kultury: Ori, Převorové, Jaffové
Technologie: pojistka v Převorech, F-302, náramek spojující Valu a Daniela

Obsah epizody:
Převor odvede Daniela a Valu na svoji domovskou planetu Celestus. Tam jim vysvětluje náboženství svých pánů - Ori. Jsou to povznesené bytosti podobně jako Antikové, avšak svoji víru si vymáhají násilím. Antiky pokládají za nepřátele a tvůrce zla. Každého, kdo v ně věří, se pokoušejí naklonit na svoji stranu, na stranu osvícení. Podle nich by se všichni měli řídit svatou knihou Počátku. Kdo odmítne, bude zničen. Ori nemohou přímo zasahovat do naší existence, neboť jim v tom brání Antikové. Proto mají své služebníky, Převory, kteří mají nesmírně velkou moc a jednají ve jméně Ori.

Mezitím v SGC se generál Landry rozhodne, že pozve na jednání nového jaffského vůdce Gareka. Jeho minulost není zrovna nejsvetlejší a okolnosti jeho jmenování do čela Jaffů také nejsou zcela jasné. V průběhu jednání přichází jeden z Převorů i do naší galaxie, kde se setkává s podplukovníkem Mitchellem, který ho přivede do SGC. Nikdo z nich netuší, kdo je to Převor nebo kdo jsou to Ori. Přišel sem, aby všechny navrátil na správnou cestu k jediné a nezpochybnitelné víře.

Přepis epizody v originále: najdete na stránkách Gatenoise
České titulky (TV ripy): najdete na stránkách Stargate Subtitles Site
Fakta a zajímavosti:
-- Toto je první výskyt Ori ve Stargate SG-1
-- Tato epizoda je třetí částí trojepizody (spolu s epizodami Avalon I a Avalon II)
-- Amanda Tapping, která ztvárňuje roli podplukovníka Samanthy Carterové se v této epizodě neobjeví
-- Doci (Převor s vysokým postavením) se kromě této epizody objeví pouze v epizodě The Fourth Horseman

Oblíbené citáty:
Jackson: „The central icon of the religion seems to be fire.“
Vala: „I don‘t need a book to tell me that.“
Jackson: „That would make sense. Fire is light, energy, warmth, and yet... on Earth, at some point, fire became associated with demonic imagery or evil. Hell, not heaven.“
Vala: „And?“
Jackson: „I‘m just wondering if the Ancients had something to do with that.“

Jackson: „Uh, sorry to interrupt. But if you brought us here to try to convert us, I think it‘s fair to tell you that we‘re not really in the market for new gods.“
Prior: „The will of the Ori brought you here.“

Mitchell: „My grandma was a bit of a Bible-thumper. Weekends at grandma‘s meant long, long Sundays at St. Hilda’s Church of the Grand Epiphany. Lieutenant Colonel Cameron Mitchell. How ya doin?“
Prior #2: „I am a Prior of the Ori.“

Doci: „A Prior has been dispatched to the place from whence you come.“
Jackson: „Really, you can do that? I, I thought we were in another galaxy.“
Doci: „It is the will of the Ori that we should spread Origin to all those blessed by their creation.“
Jackson: „Ok, well, then you should understand that there are many, many different kinds of people in the place from whence I come, people who believe in many different things.“
Doci: „They shall find the path to enlightenment.“
Jackson: „Right. Well, I think you should also understand that they may not see your way as the only way...“
Doci: „The power and the greatness of the Ori cannot be denied. Those who reject the path to enlightenment must be destroyed.“

Doci: „What is a god, but a being that is worshipped by those beneath? Is great power, knowledge, understanding not enough for you to revere the Ori?“
Jackson: „Respect, yes. Certainly. But that doesn‘t mean I‘d murder innocent people in their name. I guess what I‘m trying to understand is whether the Ori have spoken to you directly and told you to worship them, or whether you‘ve misinterpreted some evidence you found along the way and developed this religion on your own. I can‘t speak for everyone in my galaxy, but in my own humble opinion, I don‘t believe that any individual or society can achieve enlightenment through fear-mongering and force and servitude no matter what power is presented as evidence. That‘s something the Ascended beings I know seem very clearly to understand. Don‘t get me wrong, we should all be trying to better ourselves, if Ascension is the ultimate end we‘re all trying to achieve then so be it, but we should all be allowed to get there or not of our own free will. Kill me for saying that, but that is what I believe. Nothing you say or do will ever change my mind.“

Fired up Doci: „We are Ori.“
Jackson: „And you instruct these people to worship you?“
Fired up Doci: „We are their creators. All who follow the path will join us in enlightenment.“
Jackson: „Do you know who the Alterans are?“
Fired up Doci: „Those who abandoned the path are evil.“
Jackson: „Evil? Why?“
Fired up Doci: „They shielded you.“
Jackson: „Really? I didn‘t think they did much of anything for us, but I guess I was wrong.“
Fired up Doci: „The truth of the universe has been obstructed. All will know the power of the Ori!“

Jackson: „It appears that our ascended Ancients and the Ori have a slight difference of opinion. See, the Ori think that because they‘re ascended, human beings should worship them... all humans.“
Vala: „And if we don’t?“
Jackson: „Then we aren‘t worthy of living and should be destroyed.“
Vala: „I don‘t think enlightenment means what they think it means!“
Jackson: „See, apparently our ascended Ancients have been shielding our existence from the Ori.“
Vala: „They‘ve been protecting us?“
Jackson: „The Ori seem to think that our Ancients are evil because they haven‘t shared the secrets of the universe with us.“
Vala: „Well, I hate secrets. At least the ones I don‘t know.“
Jackson: „The problem is, the Ori now know our galaxy is inhabited by humans because of us.“
Vala: „I refuse to accept the blame for that! Curiosity is part of human nature! Look, if the Ancients knew that the Ori were so bad, why didn‘t they stop us from coming here?“
Jackson: „Free will.“
Vala: „Right. If they have been protecting us, there‘s no reason to believe they won‘t continue.“
Jackson: „The Ancients may be protecting us from the Ori, but not their human followers. See, Ancients won‘t interfere in any lower planes of existence. If anybody from our galaxy wants to worship the Ori, apparently that‘s our choice. And, they won‘t stop Priors from coming through the gate because apparently they‘ve already sent one.“
Vala: „The Ori have given Priors special powers, and that‘s not fair.“
Jackson: „They‘re still human, and highly evolved humans can have some pretty amazing abilities. They‘re using the secrets of the universe that the Ori have given them to spread the word of the Ori‘s godliness and when people don‘t see the light, it‘s gonna be...“ (makes a slashing gesture with one hand)
Vala: „What are we gonna do?“
Jackson: „I don‘t know. I‘m starting to think that sending Priors is just the beginning. We could be talking crusade, here. We need to warn Earth.“

Doci: „Great holy armies shall be gathered and trained to fight all who embrace evil. In the name of the gods, ships shall be built to carry our warriors out amongst the stars and we will spread Origin to all the unbelievers! The power of the Ori will be felt far and wide, and the wicked shall be vanquished.“
New Prior: „Hallowed are the Ori!“
Doci: „Hallowed are the Ori!“

Věra: 4/5
Má rozladěnost pokračuje. Seriál je sice skvělý, ale není to Stargate SG-1! Tato epizoda v podstatě bagatelizuje celých předchozích osm sezón seriálu. Goa‘uldi a jejich řádění v galaxii byli jen epizodkou pod „laskavým“ dohledem Antiků. Antikové jsou ti zlí, protože chránili lidi před Orii a jejich vírou. Hlavní důraz je kladen na vnucování nového náboženství a nová sezóna směřuje úplně jinam, než o čem bylo předchozích osm sezón. Možná by bývalo bylo lepší seriál ukončit a rozjet vedle Stargate Atlantis druhý spin-off.

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