Scénář: Joseph
Mallozzi a Paul Mullie Režie: Martin Wood Premiéra: 26. 8. 2005 Postavy: podplukovník Cameron Mitchell (Ben Browder), dr.
Daniel Jackson (Michael Shanks), podplukovník Samantha
Carterová (Amanda Tapping), Teal’c (Christopher Judge),
generál Hank Landry (Beau Bridges), Baal (Cliff Simon),
plukovník Pendergast (Barclay Hope), seržant Walter Harriman
[Davis] (Gary Jones), Julia Donovanová (Kendall Cross),
Gerak (Louis Cossett jr.), agent Malcolm Barrett (Peter
Flemming), Charlotte Mayfieldová (Sonya Salomaa), Yat'Yir
(Gardiner Millar), Ka'lel (Simone Bailly), Sharon
(Chilton Crane), poručík Marks (Martin Christopher),
Alex Jameson (Ken Dresen), agent Williams (David
MacInnis), velitel týmu (Diego Klattenhoff), Tobias
(Kevin Blatch) |
Mitchell: "Baal is on Earth?"
Ka'lel: "That is where he sought refuge immediately following his defeat
in the battle for Dakara. He has been there ever since."
Mitchell: "Witnesses?"
Jackson: "One. Some guy who was working overtime... spent most of his
firefight under his desk, but was able to provide a description of three
individuals. Big. Tattooed. Chain-mailed pants.
Mitchell: "So, it's either our Jaffa or Kiss is back on tour."
Baal: "I no longer present a threat to this galaxy. All I ask is to be
left alone without having to worry about you, the Jaffa or any of my
former enemies coming after me. So, allow me to live out the rest of my
days here on Earth in peace without interference in exchange for my
freedom. I will follow your laws. You will never have cause to fear me
again. I hope we can put the past behind us. I certainly have no desire
to harm you or anyone else on this world… That said… you should know
I've placed a naquadah bomb somewhere in the United states. Consider it
a precautionary measure. If another attempt is made to capture me, I
promise you the consequences will be most dire."
Mitchell: "Of all the retirement destinations he could choose… he has
to pick our planet."
Landry: "Colonel! Did you find the bomb?"
Carter: "Sort of."
Landry: "What's that suppose to mean?"
Carter: "Readings indicate the entire superstructure of the building is
laced with naquadah. It was built that way. Baal's been planning this
for a long time."
Landry: "I'm not sure I understand, Colonel."
Carter: "The bomb isn't in the building, sir… the bomb is the
Goby: 4/5
Konečně Goa´uld.Baal je jedním z mála záporáku, který jsou mně
sympatický,když jsem koukala
na epizodu Summit, (Baaluv první výskyt), nepomyslela jsem si že v
seriáli dostane až takový
prostor v podobě 5 sérií.Nezapomenutelná scéna - Baal ve
správách, skvělá epizoda.