EPIZODA č. 19 (193)
Scénář: Robert C. Cooper
Režie: Robert C. Cooper

Premiéra: 3. 3. 2006
Česká premiéra:

Postavy: podplukovník Cameron Mitchell (Ben Browder), dr. Daniel Jackson (Michael Shanks), podplukovník Samantha Carterová (Amanda Tapping), Teal’c (Christopher Judge), generálmajor Hank Landry (Beau Bridges), Vala Mal Doran (Claudia Black), Seevis (Michael Ironside), Denya (Daniella Evangelista), Tomin (Tim Guinee), Halstrom (Alex Dafoe), plukovník Čechov [Chekov] (Garry Chalk), Shen Xiaoyi (Tamlyn Tomita)

Obsah epizody: zatím není k dispozici
Přepis epizody v originále: najdete na stránkách Gatenoise
České titulky (TV ripy): najdete na stránkách Stargate Subtitles Site
Fakta a zajímavosti: zatím není k dispozici

Oblíbené citáty:
Vala: "It’s funny, isn’t it? Daniel always wanted to get into my pants and now I’m in his."
Mitchell: "Oh, that’s not funny."
Vala: "Hmmm?"
Mitchell: "He can’t defend himself."

Vala: "You know what these people do to you when you do something wrong? They burn you alive!"
Mitchell: "And why would they burn you alive this time?"

Vala: "Someone going to say something? Anybody?"
Teal'c: "You have been impregnated without copulation?"
Vala: "And I’m absolutely terrified. Have any of you ever heard of anything like it?"
Mitchell: "Well, there’s one…"
Teal'c: "Darth Vader."
Vala: "Really?"
Teal'c: "Hmmm."
Vala: "How did that turn out?"
Mitchell: "Actually I was thinking of King Arthur"
Carter: "You were?!"
Mitchell: "Yeah. I’ve been reading everything I can find on our ancient friend Merlin. According to some of the legends he enchanted the Queen who bore Arthur."

Vala: "You sure this is what you want?"
Tomin: "Are you serious? I never dreamed I would one day be fit to serve the Ori in this way."
Vala: "By killing people you know nothing about..."
Tomin: "All I need to know is that they are an enemy of the Ori. That they reject the teachings of Ori and would have us stray from the path."
Vala: "These… so-called unbelievers… they’re so far away. How can they affect us? Why do we have to go all the way over there to w-"
Tomin: (shouting over her) "Evil must not be allowed to fester anywhere. Our journey towards enlightenment may take us to many unexpected places."
Vala: "I… can not imagine you killing anyone."
Tomin: "I’m not afraid to heed the will of the Gods."

Chekov: "Well, as you know, the treaty renewal comes up in two weeks. Russia will no longer be participating under the current structure…"
Landry: "What are you saying?"
Chekov: "I am saying, we are taking our Stargate back."

Seevis: "Gods cannot be Gods without those who stand beneath them gazing upwards."

Věra: zatím neviděla

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